Board Matters

 Board Independence

 The Company’s Board of Directors is primarily responsible for the governance of the Corporation and is structured to provide an independent check on management. Each director has the obligation to contribute independent judgment to the formulation of sound corporate strategies and policies. The Company’s Board of Directors is composed of three (3) executive directors and twelve (12) non-executive directors, four (4) of whom are independent directors. The Company’s independent directors comply with Rule 38 of the Implementing Rules of the SRC on the qualifications, nomination and election of independent directors and has no business or other relationship with the Company that could, or could reasonably be perceived to materially interfere with the exercise of his/her independent judgment in carrying out his/her responsibilities as an independent director.

 Board Process

 The Board regularly meets at least five (5) times a year to review operational performance, provide strategic direction, monitor implementation, discuss such other matters that directly or indirectly affect the operations of the Company and approve matters that are specifically entrusted to the Board’s sound judgment. 

 The schedule for board of directors meetings for the coming year are approved by the Board during the last meeting of the previous year taking into consideration the scheduled meetings of the subsidiaries and other operating companies in order to ensure that conflicts in meeting schedules will be avoided. The dissemination/reminder of the scheduled board of directors’ meetings are handled by the office of the Corporate Secretary as assisted by the PR and Corporate Communications Department of the Company.

 For 2023, the following is the approved board meeting schedule for the year:


Activity MPIC’s Board Meeting Date
FY 2022 Results March 8, 2023 (Wednesday)
1Q 2023 Results May 3, 2023 (Wednesday)
Pre-AGM & Organizational Meeting June 06, 2023 (Tuesday)
1H 2023 Results August 02, 2023 (Wednesday)
3Q 2023 Results November 8, 2023 (Wednesday)
2024 Budget December 06, 2023 (Wednesday)

 To supplement the foregoing, the Company provides at least fourteen (14) days’ notice for a regular meeting to give all directors an ample opportunity to attend, either in person or through teleconference, when necessary. Meeting agendas for regular board meetings are finalized after consultation with the Chairman and the Executive Directors. Sufficient and appropriate information, in the form of board presentations and related materials, are prepared and furnished to the directors prior to the scheduled dates for the board meetings in a timely manner.

 The MPIC Board meetings for 2022 and the corresponding attendance of directors therein are provided below:


Board Position


Date of Election

Number of Meetings Held During the Year

Number of Meetings Attended



Mr. Manuel V. Pangilinan

May 27, 2022





Jose Ma. K. Lim

May 27, 2022





June Cheryl A. Cabal-Revilla

May 27, 2022





Ray C. Espinosa

May 27, 2022





Ramoncito S. Fernandez

May 27, 2022





Augusto P. Palisoc Jr.

May 27, 2022





Alfred V. Ty

May 27, 2022





Albert F. Del Rosario*

May 27, 2022





Rodrigo E. Franco

May 27, 2022





Francisco C. Sebastian

May 27, 2022





Christopher H. Young

May 27, 2022




Lead Independent Director

Artemio V. Panganiban

May 27, 2022




Independent Director

Oscar J. Hilado

May 27, 2022




Independent Director

Pedro E. Roxas

May 27, 2022




Independent Director

Roberto C. Yap S.J.

May 27, 2022




 * Former Ambassador Albert F. Del Rosario passed away on April 18, 2023.


 The Board ensures that the remuneration of its directors, officers and employees is consistent with the Company’s Vision, Mission, culture, strategy and the business environment in which it operates and aligned with the long-term interest of the Company.


 The compensation of directors and other officers must be competitive and at a level that will attract and retain talent and drive them to steadily contribute to the long-term success of the Company. Directors, as such, do not receive any compensation unless approved by the stockholders or provided in the By-Laws of the Company. No director participates in the approval of his compensation. However, the Board may, from time to time, approve a reasonable per diem that a director may receive for attendance in Board and Board Committee meetings.

 The Company’s directors receive a per diem allowance for their attendance in the Board and Board Committee meetings. Each director is entitled to a per diem allowance of PhP100,000.00 for every board meeting attended and PhP50,000.00 for every committee meeting.

 President and CEO and Key Officers

 Key executives of the Company, including the President and CEO, are entitled to receive fixed and variable remuneration, in accordance with the compensation plans approved by the Board. Factors considered in fixing remuneration packages of key officers or salaries paid by comparable companies, time commitment and responsibilities of corporate officers and employment conditions elsewhere in the group. Further, the Company adopts incentive programs for its key executives that take into account the achievement of an approved target core income of the Company as a condition for the vesting of the incentive. Among such programs are the Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) and the Restricted Stock Unit Plan (RSUP). Each LTIP performance cycle generally covers 3 years with payment intended to be made at the end of each cycle (without interim payments) and is contingent upon the achievement of an approved target core income of the Company by the end of the performance cycle. On the other hand, the RSUP is designed, among others, to reward the Directors and certain key officers of MPIC who contribute to its growth to stay with MPIC for the long term.


 All regular employees of the Company are entitled to receive, fixed and variable remuneration, in accordance with the employment contract signed and executed by each employee with the Human Resources Department under the supervision of the President and CEO. The Company likewise adopts policies relating to payment of bonuses and long-term incentives to its employees, the amount of which depends on the performance of the company and the individual employee. The performance appraisal is conducted on a semi-annual basis.


Orientation and Continuing Education Programs

Orientation Programs

Pursuant to the mandate of its Charter, the Corporate Governance Committee designed an orientation program for new directors to brief and update them on important details and processes relating to the Company, the functions and relevant mechanisms of the Company’s board committees and the dealings of the Company with its investors and business partners.

Topic Scope Presenter
Introduction to MPIC Brief introduction to the company’s Vision & Mission, Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and Code of Business Ethics Corporate Governance Officer
Key Obligations of MPIC Board of Directors

Disclosure Requirements:

  • (i) Acquisition and Disposition of MPI shares;
  • (ii) Trainings attended;
  • (iii) Directorships in other corporations/PLCS.
Compliance Officer
Insider Trading – MPIC Blackout Rule
SEC-mandated Corporate Governance Training
Relevant Operations Internal Audit – Background and Relevant Updates Internal Auditor
Risk Management  – Background and Relevant Updates Chief Risk Officer
Investor Relations – Background and Relevant Updates VP – Investor Relations
Business Updates – Status VP – Business Development

Continuing Education Programs

The Company adopts a policy requiring each MPIC director to undergo a continuing training program for at least four (4) hours each year to promote board performance and continuing qualification in carrying out directors’ duties and responsibilities. This annual continuing training program shall ensure that directors are continuously informed of the developments in the business and regulatory environments, including emerging risks relevant to the Company. It may cover courses on corporate governance matters, including audit, internal controls, risk management, sustainability and strategy.

Attendance on Annual Corporate Governance Enhancement Session 2021
Attendance on Annual Corporate Governance Enhancement Session 2022

Performance Assessments

The Board acknowledges the importance of a regular performance assessment, individually and collectively as part of their accountability. Performance assessments were done to evaluate their specific and overall performance for the past calendar year. The assessment of their 2021 Board, Board Committees, CEO and key officers’ performance was conducted on March 9, 2022. The Board evaluated their individual and collective performances regarding the Board and its committees’ structures, processes and responsibilities. The Board also assessed the 2021 performance of the Company’s President and key officers based on their working relations with the Board, Management, and communication. The directors accomplished the five assessment instruments below:

Assessment Instrument

Criteria for Assessment

Board Self Assessment

  • Board Composition
  • Board Responsibilities
  • Board Processes
  • Management Relationship

General Board Committee Performance Assessment

  • Compliance with and performance of respective committee functions under their charters

Board Committee Self-Assessment

  • Compliance with and performance of respective committee functions under their charters

Performance Assessment of the President & CEO and Specific Officers

  • Performance of respective functions

Individual Director Self-Rating

  • Understanding of Company’s vision, mission, and strategies
  • Understanding of Company policies
  • Understanding of functions as director
  • Avoidance of conflict of interest
  • Active and independent participation
  • Critical and supportive participation

The Company has engaged the services of the Good Governance Advocates and Practitioners of the Philippines (GGAPP) as external facilitator in the Company’s conduct of the assessments.

 Dividend Policy

MPIC’s current dividend policy calls for the payment of regular cash dividends in an amount of up to 25% of the audited consolidated core net income for the year, subject to approval of the Board of Directors, taking into consideration the interest of the shareholders, the Company’s debt covenants, and the requirements dictated by working capital, expansion plans, capital expenditures and debt servicing.

Payment of dividends shall always be subject to the availability of unrestricted retained earnings in accordance with the guidelines of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Further, the Company commits to pay dividends to its shareholders within 30 days from the date of its declaration.

The Company’s Dividend Policy was approved by the Board on November 7, 2018.

Strategic Planning and Monitoring

The Board, together with the Management, assesses annually the continuing appropriateness of the Company’s long-term vision, mission and strategic objectives. This assessment takes place during the last quarterly board meeting of the Company when the budget for the succeeding year is likewise submitted for approval. The Company’s long-term targets, as well as the execution strategy for the same, are discussed with the key executives of each operating unit.

The Board exercises oversight on Management in its execution of the strategic direction and implementation of the policies set by the Board through regular briefings on material events and transactions from the Management. To monitor performance and ensure alignment with the changing business environments and culture, key executives from each operating unit report to the Board in its regular quarterly board meetings. Further, the Board reviews and guides major plans of action and oversees major capital expenditures, acquisitions and divestitures of the Company.


9th Floor, Tower 1
Rockwell Business Center
Ortigas Avenue
Brgy. Ugong, Pasig City 1604



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